Trusted Time Inc. is Niagara’s Latest Certified Living Wage Employer
The Niagara Poverty Reduction Network is pleased to announce that Trusted Time Inc. has become a certified living wage employer at the Champion level.
Trusted Time Inc. is a Human Resources (HR) Strategist for business development and growth. Their approach is to align an organization’s HR strategy with their business strategy to achieve desired business goals. They do this by supporting an organization’s capacity to create the result that propels them to the next step. Trusted Time Inc. currently employs four full-time staff.
“Trusted Time Inc. has chosen to become a Certified Living Wage Employer because it firmly believes that satisfied and appreciated employees are the driving force behind any successful and rewarding business. Primarily operating in HR, Trusted Time values the people that produce the services we all depend on in our communities and workplaces,” says Ryan Grist, Payroll and HR Administrator at Trusted Time Inc.
“We are pleased to see many local employers who recognize the value and benefits of paying at least a living wage. Paying a living wage takes direct action to address poverty and to help people afford their cost of living expenses,” says Aidan Johnson, Chair of the Niagara Poverty Reduction Network.
A living wage reflects what earners need to be paid based on the actual costs of living and being included in the community. A living wage is not the same as the legislated minimum wage. It is a voluntary commitment that employers can make to compensate directly employed and contract employed full-time and part-time workers. The 2019 living wage for the Niagara region has been calculated to be $18.12/hour. If an employer’s total compensation package includes benefits such as dental and prescription drugs, the living wage can be lowered by at least $1.00/hour.
Learn more about Niagara’s living wage at www.wipeoutpoverty.ca. Niagara-area employers
interested in becoming living wage certified can contact the Ontario Living Wage Network for more information at www.ontariolivingwage.ca.
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The Niagara Poverty Reduction Network is a collective of over 30 agencies and individuals working to wipe out poverty in Niagara through education, collaboration, and advocacy to address poverty’s root causes.
Media Contacts:
Aidan Johnson, Chair, Niagara Poverty Reduction Network
Phone: 905-682-6635
E-mail: johnsona@lao.on.ca
Ryan Grist, Payroll and HR Administrator, Trusted Time Inc.
Phone: 289-821-1224
E-mail: ryan@trustedtime.ca